Focus and Scope


The mission of our research ethics committee is to safeguard the integrity and reputation of our company through the promotion of high-quality, ethical research. We work to protect the rights, wellbeing and dignity of research participants while ensuring the scientific and ethical validity of our studies. Our goal is to ensure that all research activities comply with ethical and legal standards, and to provide guidance and education to enhance the understanding and practice of research ethics. We work collaboratively with investigators and staff to ensure compliance with all relevant policies and regulations, and foster a culture of accountability and transparency in research.


Our vision is to be a leading research ethics committee, recognized for our dedication and commitment to ensuring the protection and wellbeing of research participants, thereby promoting excellence in scientific research and the advancement of knowledge. We strive to foster a culture of integrity and ethics in research, and collaborate with researchers and other stakeholders to ensure that the highest ethical and legal standards are followed in all aspects of research. As a committee, we are committed to protecting research participants and promoting high quality, rigorous, innovative and societally relevant research, while maintaining an open and transparent dialogue with researchers and the broader scientific community. In short, our vision is for the Research Ethics Committee to be a reference in the field of research ethics, and a trusted and effective partner in the advancement of science and the wellbeing of society.


In accordance with the Code of Ethics of the Fundación Enfermera Delia Ruiz Rivas A.C., highlights the following values, in order to achieve the guidelines outlined in its Mission and Vision:


  • Honesty: I conduct myself with truth and authenticity, from respect, honesty, and transparency.
  • Loyalty: I act from fidelity and commitment to myself and others. I identify from a sense of belonging with the objectives of the institution, maintaining a relationship worthy of trust.
  • Freedom: I think and behave autonomously out of conviction, by making responsible, thoughtful decisions that respect diversity, by considering my own well-being and that of others.
  • Commitment: I fulfill the obligations that correspond to me in all orders, among them, the university, social and environmental, by recognizing and assuming the consequences of the actions carried out freely.
  • Empathy: I empathize with the needs of others and participate consciously and enthusiastically in collective projects, especially where vulnerable people or communities are benefited under the principle of joint efforts.
  • Teamwork: I recognize that the whole is more than the sum of the parts, where each collaborator counts and plays a fundamental role. We help us. We collaborate. We communicate and, above all, we respect each other.
  • Solidarity: I promote mutual collaboration between individuals, which allows us to overcome the most terrible disasters, such as discrimination, apathy, poor treatment of patients, wars, plagues, and diseases, among others.